Our team

The riders/people we are proud to support. We believe it’s our mission to support the athletes who practice the sports we love so much.
Meet them here

Pellentesque sed dolor

Curabitur facilisis pellentesque pharetra. Donec justo urna, malesuada a viverra ac, pellentesque vitae nunc. Aenean ac leo eget nunc fringilla a non nulla! Nunc orci mi, venenatis quis ultrices vitae.

Aliquam congue fermentum

Quisque mauris risus, gravida a molestie eu, dictum ac augue. Integer sodales tempor lectus; sit amet dictum metus pharetra nec. Fusce bibendum dapibus pretium. Nunc eu sem vitae lacus laoreet elementum.

Mauris accumsan nulla

Aenean ac leo eget nunc fringilla a non nulla! Nunc orci mi, venenatis quis ultrices vitae congue non nibh. Nulla bibendum, justo eget ultrices vestibulum, erat tortor venenatis risus, sit amet cursus dui augue a arcu.

Vestibulum iaculis

Fusce bibendum dapibus pretium. Nunc eu sem vitae lacus laoreet elementum. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus ullamcorper elementum est, id pretium turpis bibendum vel. Aliquam a odio arcu. Morbi a dignissim nisl?

Donec porta diam eu massa

Nulla bibendum, justo eget ultrices vestibulum, erat tortor venenatis risus, sit amet cursus dui augue a arcu. Quisque mauris risus, gravida a molestie eu, dictum ac augue. Integer sodales tempor lectus; sit amet dictum.

Consectetuer adipiscing elit

Quisque mauris risus, gravida a molestie eu, dictum ac augue. Integer sodales tempor lectus; sit amet dictum metus pharetra nec. Fusce bibendum dapibus pretium. Nunc eu sem vitae lacus laoreet elementum.


Surfcloud foundation

Founded in 2012, Surfcloud results from the fusion of previous companies and consolidates 15 years of experience of its founding partners in the surf universe.

Since then, a Surfcloud acts in the sporting goods market, in the Surf segment, Bodyboard and SUP, through two complementary channels: import and export network and retail, in Portugal, in this same sector.


In 2015, Surfcloud moves its headquarters from Sagres to Lisbon

Continuing its course in the distribution of sporting goods in the Surf area, the company decides to move its headquarters to Lisbon, contributing this decision to consolidate its presence in the market.

At the same time, othe standards of rigor, quality and respect for its partners, customers and suppliers, further strengthens the image of Surfcloud in the national and international market, ensuring the distribution of some brands of relief not only for the Portuguese market but also for Europe.


2018 was a year of extreme relevance for Surfcloud!

New challenges are presented to the company, thanks to the fruits of the good work carried out by the whole team that makes up the Surfcloud family.

The distribution to the European market is gaining greater importance in our activity area.